Friday, April 28, 2006

NEt ART Timeline

telegraph, radio, phone, television...
paleotelevion, neotelevision...
media media...
we need to study the history to understand the present and the future...
but what happens if what we consider future is already something that belongs to the past?
a time line of net art...
once upon the time...go to the homepage and click on "launch idea line"

Monday, April 24, 2006

Web 2.0 + 3d graphics = Second life!

The conference "beyond broadcast 2006" has organized, in collaboration with Second Life ( project, an online cicle of conferences related to the future of Broacstanig with New Media and his participatory/collaborative implications.
Did you now a better place to do that?
Check it out!!!
Beyond Broadcast Blog

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

First post

Goooood morning WEB!!
This is the first post of Blocus Amoenus..
Here some first contributes to start discussing:
- A link by Mauricio:

- A great Museum in Linz, Austria:

Ars Electronica

Finally an event, in Pavia in the next days (April 21-25): VINTAGE FAIR!!!